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kensington high school .jpg
This photo shows the intersection of East Cumberland and Amber Street in Philadelphia where Kensington High School stands.

Northeast High School-1937.jpg
An exterior picture of the school

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The old home of The Library Company of Philadelphia. Power lines are stretched over the building, passerby seen on the street. Barren trees would indicate colder season.

Centennial Exhibition.jpg
The Main Building measured 1880 by 464 feet, covering twenty acres. It was vividly painted inside and out in shades of buff, architectural details picked out in green bronze and gold, crimson, pearl, and several shades of green.

Inside, the center…

McPherson Square.jpg
The McPherson Square library

The front of Memorial Hall

This photo depicts the Merchant Exchange Building in Philadelphia. This building was a private library that Gruenberg's friends in Philadelphia used to attend. They believed that anyone who was anyone belonged to a private library.

This photo shows the New Century Club, which is where the Women's Birth Control League staged their first meeting in Philadelphia.

This photo depicts the Philadelphia Ethical Society. Gruenberg and her husband were very involved with the Ethical Society. Gruenberg help a chairman position as the chairman of archives.

The front of Philadelphia High School for Girls
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