Browse Items (14 total)

Newspaper ad asking for people to buy company stock in Octavia Hill Association reads "Help US Acquire Ownership or Management of Property Like This and rid the city of a menace by replacing it with a sanitary home that will yield a profit at a small…

Title page for new legislation. Bill No. 863 regarded water for small dwellings, and Bill No. 864 regarded sanitary inspections.

This flyer advertises how the Octavia Hill Association makes and maintains homes for "wage-earners," making sure to clarify that their housing projects benefit immigrants to work and contribute to the economy.

Philadelphia received help from the federal government twice in the 1920s to combat its Prohibition-fueled crime problem. The first intervention involved the appointment of General Smedley Butler (1881-1940), shown here in 1924 destroying a barrel of…
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