Browse Items (15 total)

Concordia Mill Strike HSP.JPG
Textile workers struck at the Concordia Mill at Allegheny and Boudlnot Sts in September 1934.

Strike Leadesr Plan Pickets HSP.JPG
Leaders of the strike in Philadelphia meet to perfect plans for continued picketing. They are (left to right) Louis Heines, American Federation of Labor organizer; William Smith, American Federation of Hosiery Workers; Laurence Laborle, United…

Police with Picketers Patterson HPS.JPG
Philadelphia Record caption: "Sex evidently did not matter in this free-for-all battle between Paterson, N.J. silk strikers and the police. This woman bore several black and blue souvenirs after the conflict. Nineteen pickets were arrested for…

An accompanying description for the newspaper photo reads: "You'll See Plenty of These! Miss Virginia Matthews, pretty secretary at headquarters of the textile workers, 2012 Stella st., displays one of the 'banners' which will be worn by strikers."

Bromley Mills Strike HSP.JPG
A caption under the photo reads: "Striking at the Bromley mill here seems more like a picnic. Smiling textile workers are shown surrounding the plant head, John Bromley, with pipe in hand.

Article about textile industry strikes in the Philadelphia region

Ball Committee of Local 139, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America at the Broadwood Hotel in 1937

Committee of the 2nd annual Ball given by Local 139 of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America at the Broadwood Hotel in 1936.

Amalgamated Women.jpg
The Ball Committee for the Finishers and Buttonhole Makers of the Local 156 branch of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America has their first annual dance at the Broadwood Hotel in 1936.

ACWA general strike.JPG
The picture is of a poster promoting the ACWA's general strike of 1919. The poster is in Hebrew, English and a few other languages.
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